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Hell Bound Chapter 11

  Lucifer shifted his to Temptation, seeing the yarning and pain in her eyes for little Lazarus, before smiling with a wicked grin, his little game wasn’t over yet. Looking at that little bastard of his, seeing the look of dread, horror, and despair in his eyes before returning his back to Temptation, seeing the pain in her eyes as looked at her son, wanting to nothing more than to rush straight to him and console and help soothe his pain. The Supreme Devil, with a wicked grin plastered on his face, spoke with a voice filled with glee, “Temptation, take him back to his room. I’m done with him”. Temptation upon hearing what her master said, simply bowed her head, internal grateful and happy that it was over and she could finally take her little one away and console him. She then went to him, looking at him and seeing that his body was completely healed but his eyes, though eyes that once shone and glowed with joy now looked deemed, flicker that looked as though it was soon be snuffe...

Never stop trying to understand this madness

Never stop trying to understand this madness


“I’m in a mood”

“What else is new?”

“Yeah, I’m really a mess aren’t I?”

“That’s the greatest understatement of the century”

“Yeah  I know”


“Hey, can I ask you something, just between us”

“You’re talking as if you can tell anybody else what goes on in that messed up mind of yours”

“*smile* How do you that this will end?”

“How will what end?”

“Everything, the entirety of this blasted life I’m living?”



“I don’t know”

“*sigh*, I figured”

“*sigh*, why are this way?”

“You’re asking the wrong guy. If I knew why I would spend every waking hour of every day looking for an answer to that question”

“*Sigh*, you seriously a mess”

“Yeah I know”

“Do you need help?”

“Probably but I don’t think anyone can give it to me”

“Why not?”

“*smiles* There something wrong with me. It’s almost like I’m insane or something. The world in my eyes is upside down and I’m constantly spiraling through it. I’ve tried to make sense of this madness but every single time I think I’ve got it figured out I discover a new form of madness. Does any of that make any sense”


“*chuckle*, Yeah I figured. Nothing about me really makes sense”

“Yeah, but it was beautiful”


“What you said, it was really beautiful”

“You do realize that I just called myself mad right?”

“Yeah and you were right, your completely mad but you’re also brilliant”

“How so?”

“Because you know you’re mad and the things you do makes no sense but you’re still trying to figure it all. You trying to find the sense in the senseless, the logic in the illogical”

“But isn’t that a pointless  quest”

“Maybe but that won’t stop you from doing it now will it”


“You have a mind like no other. A mad and brilliant mind. You understand and know of your insanity but still try to see past it and find that sanity others fail to see . It’s a beauty that should be appreciated not hated”

“Huh, I guess I never thought about it like that”

“Never stop trying to understand this madness of yours even if you may never find that reason why you are the way you are because the quest for the impossible is the driving force behind the greatest of minds”


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