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Hell Bound Chapter 11

  Lucifer shifted his to Temptation, seeing the yarning and pain in her eyes for little Lazarus, before smiling with a wicked grin, his little game wasn’t over yet. Looking at that little bastard of his, seeing the look of dread, horror, and despair in his eyes before returning his back to Temptation, seeing the pain in her eyes as looked at her son, wanting to nothing more than to rush straight to him and console and help soothe his pain. The Supreme Devil, with a wicked grin plastered on his face, spoke with a voice filled with glee, “Temptation, take him back to his room. I’m done with him”. Temptation upon hearing what her master said, simply bowed her head, internal grateful and happy that it was over and she could finally take her little one away and console him. She then went to him, looking at him and seeing that his body was completely healed but his eyes, though eyes that once shone and glowed with joy now looked deemed, flicker that looked as though it was soon be snuffed ou

The Protectors of Genesis Book 2 {Hell-Bound}


Haidas, the hell world, home to the atrocities called demons, monstrous abomination that walk on the earth under the scarlet red sky where the sun refuses to set and the only source of light that illuminated the red skies of Haidas was a massive blood moon they call the fallen star.

 Demons are monstrous abominations whose presence inspire only terror, fear and utter dread but they aren’t born that, no, the monstrous and terrifying demons of Haidas start out as pure and innocent children with the only demonic trait about them being their demonic powers and abilities which they are born with.

A demon only undergoes there demonic transformation once they commit a sin which occurs when they succumb to any shameful desire, act or thought, allowing it to consume them and as it does they begin to change, molting  and shedding away their innocent and pure skins for a tainted, monstrous and demonic one.

The exists sin cities within the world hell world, the city of Greed, the city of Lust, the Envy, the City of Gluttony, The city of Wrath, the city of Sloth and finally the capital city of Pride also known as the city of sinful freedom.

Out of all these cities the City of Pride is the most chaotic as demons there are free to do as they please unhinged with no rules, laws or moral stopping them.

This is why the city is also called the city of sinful freedom, as demons enjoy intoxicating freedom for being able to commit whatever vile and inhumane acts they want with little to no consequence.

As result the city is a bloody mess reeking with the smell of dead and rotten corpses, defiled bodies lying on the flow cover with blood, echoes and yells of monstrous sounds of pleasure and torment scattered about all throughout the city.

No child born in this city stays pure for long.

As the moment they are born they are exposed to the vile nature of city it doesn’t take long for them to succumb to their sin and join their kind in the demonic merriment and madness of the city.

And if a child takes too long to succumb to their sin, they are taken away by none other than Lucifer, the supreme devil who presides over the city of pride and to be taken by him, is a fate far worse any form of torment the City of Pride and the entirety of Haidas can provide for he is the supreme devil and among all the seven princes of hell that rule each city, he is the one most feared.

No one knows to what extent his powers extend to but they say it is great enough to shake the entirety of Haidas.

In the lawless city of sinful freedom, there exists a single unspoken law, never cross the supreme devil Lucifer’s path and if you do, beg and pray only for death for that would be the greatest act of mercy that could befall you at that accursed moment.

Lucifer favorite pass time is collecting any child he finds still pure and having not undergone a demon transformation yet, and then bring them to his Palace known a house a million wailing souls and then proceeding to torture and torment them till they go mad and succumb to their sin

He uses two main methods of torture apart from physically torture involves forcing the children to take a substance called red dust, created from this distilled blood of other demons, injecting it in to them in the most painful way possible.

Once injected, the red dust immediately takes effect, drawing out the most primal of desires from the young demons to be and forcing them to act on them, making them to resemble something akin to that of their turned demonic brethren and once the effects of the red dust wares off he confronts them and reveals all the sinister and monstrous deeds they committed under its influence.

The shame and guilt the young ones feel upon seeing their atrocious deeds is enough to make them succumb come to sin and transform.

This, however was the most humane way the supreme devil used make the children succumb to their sin and transform in to their demonic selves, the other more sadistic method which the supreme devil preferred using involved using his powers to enter the minds of the children and whisper to them softly, telling them about how as demon spawns they were destined to be horrific monster that prowled the streets wrecking havoc, chaos and destruction where ever they roamed, he also reinforced this paining horrific and monstrous images of demons in their young minds, using his demonic power to imprint those images forever in their mind so that they would always be reminded of what were and what they were fated to become.

It was a slow an agonizing process and the relished every moment of it, loving seeing how the children struggle to deny the truth of their very nature before slowly submitting to the darkness of their sin.

It was something he loved seeing, the only sight that could make him smile, he loved tormenting the children so much so that he only bothered himself with physical torture by using red dust only when he felt bored or when he felt a child was taken too long to succumb to their sin,

But there one child Lucifer could not seem to be able to break, one child that managed to do what no child before him could, one child Lucifer despised with all his heart and was determined to break even if it meant raising hell on the already hellish world of Haidas.


  Chapter 1

Lucifer in his private chambers, seated on his desk enjoying a bowl of food made out of the remains of a recently killed demon.

On his forehead were two small horns; wrapped around both arms were two sliver chains resembling serpents, on his back a pair a pitch black wings and dressed in black from head to toe with small black ring on the middle finger of his left hand.

Lucifer dipped his hands in to the bowl before bring it out stained with and holding a piece of demon flesh before putting it in his mouth and eating it.

Once he swallowed, he turned to another bowl not too far away from his meal, filled with sharp pins before using his power to lift them lift them from the bowl and send them flying straight for the boy strapped on to  a massive metal desk in front of him.

The pins pierced through every corner of the boy’s body, from the tips of his finger to the center both his eyes, with blood dripping out of his the freshly opened made wounds caused by the pins.

The supreme devil then, with just a simple snap of his finger, freed the boy from the restraints holding him in place to the disk, allow him fall from the disk and on to vat of acid strong enough to burn away the skin and flesh off bones.

Once that was done, Lucifer took his time to finish his meal before getting up from his desk and making his way to what remained of the boy in the vat of acid.

And upon seeing what was inside the vat, Lucifer became made with rage and frustration before kicking the vat an allowing the acid spill out along with the boy, his skin burnt off by the acid with very little flesh still clinging on to his bone but very much alive.

Lucifer then watched with his anger and rage continuously growing, as the boy slowly began to regenerate, re-growing new flesh and skin to replace those of which he lost due to the acid.

Lucifer’s rage reached its limit when he saw the boy’s face fully form with a smile on him.

And upon seeing that smile the supreme devil lost himself to the madness and insanity of rage.

He attacked the boy with the sliver serpent chains wrapped around his arms; the chains slithered out of the supreme devil’s arms went to the boy, wrapping themselves around the boy’s neck and then drove their venom filled fangs in to the boy’s face before proceeding to tear his face apart.

Lucifer watched with rage and frustration in his eyes as his serpent chains disfigured the boy’s, watched to see the slightest sign of pain, torment and suffering from the boy but no, no matter much is serpents tore his face apart with his venom filled fangs the boy showed no sign that he was in pain, rather he seemed to enjoy it as he refused to move an inch as the serpents continuously drove their fangs in to him and ripped away the skin on his face.

And even though the boy’s face no longer had lips he could use to smile as they had longed been ripped out by the serpents the supreme devil knew he was smiling from within.

After a few moments passed the supreme devil grew tired of the sight and summoned his serpents back to his arms.

“TEMPTATION!!!!!” the supreme devil yelled out, the chamber doors then opened up and one of Lucifer subordinates, Temptation, a female woman who, from the top looked like a normal woman but from the bottom down was a serpent.

Lucifer then used his powers to lift the boy and throw him her slithering serpent tail.

“Get that abomination out of my sight” Lucifer commanded with his eyes glowing a fierce fiery red as he spoke.

Temptation said nothing and just looked at the boy, seeing his disfigured face slowly heal before picking the boy up and leaving.

Once the Temptation was gone, Lucifer yelled out, in rage and frustration, a primal roar, demonic and monstrous in every conceivable way.

It was a roar so powerful it broken and shattered all the windows that surrounded him and cracked the ground underneath his feet.

Meanwhile, Temptation hearing her master’s demonic roar looked down at the boy on her arms before saying, “Did you have fun with the master today Lazarus”.

The boy with gleeful smile on his face nodded his head before saying, “Yes, we played a lot of games today, with pins and some kind strange water that burnt off my skin. And on top of that he used his chains to tear make face apart, it was really fun”.

Temptation upon hearing everything the boy said just smiled at him before saying, “I’m glad you had fun Lazarus”.

Temptation then took the boy to his room which was small with no bed, sheets or even a blanket for warmth.

It’s only source of light with a single small window with a perfect view of the chaotic madness of the city.

Once there Temptation placed the boy gently on the ice cold floor.

Then the monstrous roar of Lucifer reached the room as it shook the entire palace.

“Wow, Mr. Lucifer must be really excited. Do you think he wants to play again” said the boy with a blissful and naïve smile.

Temptation upon hearing what the boy said just sighed before saying, “No, the master is too tired to continue to play with you today”.

“But we were having so much fun” said the boy.

“I know but his tired now and can’t play anymore” said Temptation.

Then another roar shook the palace.

“I should go the master probably wants some tea” said Temptation.

“Okay, when you see Mr. Lucifer tell him thank you for playing with me for me” said the boy with a play full smile.

Temptation, upon seeing the playful smile on his face, couldn’t stop herself from smiling before saying to him, “Don’t worry I will”.

Temptation then left the room, sealing the room’s massive metal door shut as she left.

Temptation then made her way to the kitchen.

Once there, she grabbed a knife and used it cut the palm of her hands, allowing blood from it to flow out before heating it up on the stove and pouring it on to a tea cup.

She then placed the tea cup on a tray and then left, going to her master’s chambers.

Once in front of the door, she took a deep breath before opening it only to see horrific state the room was in, with shattered glass from the broken windows scattered everywhere, cracks on both the walls and floor, and Lucifer hovering over the carnage with his black wings flapping about and his eyes glowing a bloody scarlet red.

“Why are you here? I did not call for you” asked Lucifer in a twisted and distorted voice.

“Tea my lord” said Temptation before offering the cup to him.

Lucifer just smiled at her before flying down to her and taking the cup from her.

He sniffed the cup before smile sinisterly and proceeded to drinking every single drop of blood in the cup.

“That was refreshing but I not satisfying enough” said Lucifer before grabbing Temptation’s cut hand, growing a pair vicious fangs on his mouth and then drove them deep in to the cut hands before proceeding to suck the blood out from the cut on the hand.

Temptation felt an overwhelming amount of pain, much more than words could describe but she endured it and refused to yell or cry out from the pain.

“How long do think that bastard of yours will remain pure and sinless” the supreme devil’s voice echoed in Temptation’s mind.

“Oh how I despise that child, and would want for nothing more, than to see him, slowly suffer as agonizingly and painfully as possible, to beg for death and dread every moment of his sorry existence. Know this you shameless slut, I will break that damned son of yours” the voiced of Lucifer said in her mind before she felt his fangs let go of her cut palm.

“You may leave” said Lucifer as turned away from her.

Temptation, drained of almost all her blood just bowed her head before slowly slithering away.

Once outside the supreme devil’s chambers, with the doors closed shut, Temptation fell to the ground with tears falling down from her eyes as she remembered everything Lucifer told.

Remembering each and every word he said as they still echoed in her mind like a chiming bell, constantly and refusing to let her forget a single sentence utter.

What hurt her were not the words themselves but the malice behind them, it hurt her to know that her master harbored so much resentment and hatred for her child, he hated him much more than he loved tormenting and torturing demonic children still they gave in to their sin.

Lucifer didn’t just want to the boy to fall in to sin and transform in to demon like the other children, no, he wanted him suffer an agony so great, death would seem like a saving grace, each and every time the supreme devil saw that boy’s smile and laugh his blood boils, and if it wasn’t for the fact that the boy’s demonic power prevented him from dying as all fatal injuries, wounds, infection and diseases inflicted upon him seem to heal instantly, the boy would have been died long ago as an infant if not for that fact.

Temptation still remembered how he reacted upon seeing the child for the first time as new born, instead of love and happiness, the infant’s eyes were greeted with did disgust and hatred.

And as the infant smiled at him for the very first time the supreme devil exploded with anger and rage.

Grabbing the child and bashing his head against the wall, over and over and over again, only stopping once the child’s skull broke and then dumping the seemly dead infant corpse on the floor near his mother.

Thankfully, much to Temptation’s shock and relief, the child, moments after Lucifer had discarded his body, began to heal and the child opened his eyes and saw his mother’s face before smiling and laughing with glee almost as though he enjoyed having his head bashed and broken by his very own father.

Lucifer upon seeing that the child was still alive, tried to ended him, again and again, with each and every attempt he made more brutal than the last.

It was a horrific and bloody sight, one which Temptation had the unfortunate fate to behold.

But even after countless attempts to end the boy’s life it refused to die, healing himself from all his wounds and simple smiling and laughing, an act which only frustrated the supreme devil more.

The supreme devil eventually gave up on trying to end the child’s life as nothing he tried seemed to be enough to it, it seemed as though the child was able to defy death by the supreme devil’s hands, a feat no demon in the entirety of Haidas can boost about.

But despite the fact that Lucifer had given on trying to kill the child the smiles and laughter from him was something he could not stand, even for a moment, and so then and there he made a vow to himself that if he couldn’t end that child life he would torment every moment of everyday of his existence, turning his seemly unkillable life in to a living hell.

Temptation remembered how she felt at the moment she saw the bloody body of her newly born son, it was horrify and heart breaking to see it and what made it worse was the man who did, the child’s very own father, her master, the supreme devil, Lucifer himself.

She just wanted to please her master and make him smile for as she knew that deep down, hidden away by all the anger and bitterness was a hurt soul in immense and agonizing pain.

She just wanted to ease his pain and hoped that giving him a child would, she didn’t think that Lucifer’s anger, hatred and bitterness would extend to his very own flesh and blood maybe if she did, she would have damn the existence of her innocent child with the constant torment of their very own child by giving birth to him.

Now instead of happiness the child she brought in to the world fills her beloved master with only more rage and hatred.

Lucifer didn’t want anything to do with their child and just to punish and torment her for daring to conceive his child, he told her to never reveal the fact that the child was his and hers to him, and she was to not allow to treat him or ever call him her son.

It was a painful and agonizing punishment but it was one which she accepted wholeheartedly after all it was her fault for daring to not only fall in love with a man who only knew pain, anger, rage, bitterness and hatred but also carrying and giving birth to his child.

She was a fool for loving the devil himself and her punishment, to watch her child grow tormented everyday by his very own father without being able to love him as his mother.

At the very least, Lucifer allowed her to name him, telling her to her face that he could care less what name she gave her bastard of a child.

So Temptation gave him the name Lazarus as the first and only thing she was allowed to give her child as his mother.

The boy was raised without knowing who his parents were or where he came, thankful he didn’t ask any question and wasn’t curious in any way about his origins as Temptation already felt guilty about the life she had birthed him in to where he has to constantly being tormented and torture by his very own father, and if he was to ever ask about who he really was, she doubted she would be able to muster the strength need to lie.

Temptation was however grateful one thing, the fact that her child was able to go through every horrible, twisted and inhumane form of torture Lucifer put him with a smile on his face, seeing it all as some kind of delightful game.

To perceive what normally would be agonizing and unendurable pain as pleasure was the only reason Lazarus could have lasted this long without breaking and succumbing to sin and becoming a monstrous atrocity just like her and the rest of demon kind.

Temptation, after crying to the point where her tears refused to continue falling down from her eyes, managed to summon the strength to get up and wipe of the tear droplets from her eyes before lowly slithering away.

A life of misery, torment and pain was the fate for all demons born in Haidas this is the especially the case in the City of Pride, one would think after spending their entire life in the hell world they would become accustomed to such a fate but that sadly is not the case, no matter how much pain, suffering and turmoil one passes through in the city, there is no possible way to one can come to terms with such a fate as being born a demon in the City of Pride.

This sadly, was the same fate Temptation, having fallen in love with bitter rage filled beast who enjoys nothing more than to torture and torment any poor unfortunate soul that crosses his path, baring his child and having to watch as he torments and tortures him, had fallen into.

And oh what an unfortunate fate it was indeed.

Meanwhile while Temptation was busy lamenting over her miserable fate, Lucifer stood in front of his shattered grand window, from which he could see the entirety of the damned and condemned city of sinful city he reigned over.

He enjoyed seeing the miserable state of the demons down below and how they tried to easy the constant torment acts of depravity born from their innate and primal desires as demon, giving them a brief taste of pleasure but never peace, as no matter what they did to pleasure themselves their pain and misery still remained and quickly ended any form of pleasure they enjoys.

Lucifer listened intently to the madness in the city down below, hearing moans and sinful but at the same time mad induced pleasure filled laughter followed by cries, screams and even prayers to be set from their torment and suffering.

Hearing the misery from the demons down below lifted the supreme devil’s spirit, brightened up his day and made a devilish smile form on his face.

The devil then snapped his fingers, then damage inflicted upon his chambers by him began to fix itself as the scattered window glassing flew up from the ground and back to the window, instantly repairing it and the cracks on the walls and floors disappeared.

“That child has been a thorn in my side from far too long. I’ve tried almost everything I could think of to break him, but nothing I do seems to be enough to get rid of the insufferable smile. I’ve tried drugging him with high doses of red dust but instead of making him miserable like the rest of those little brats, all it does is make him laugh with pleasure and happiness. I’ve tried to torment his mind but there’s nothing I can use, that damned child’s mind is far too foolish to understand what being a demons means, to be the mistake of creation, condemned from the very moment of birth and destined to be beast of torment and misery” as Lucifer spoke he felt his blood begin to boil with anger and rage as the images of Lazar smiling at each and every time he tried to torture and torment him.

“I want to see him cry out in pain and misery, I want him to suffer a fate that would make him wish there was away he could end his own life. It’s what a being like him, born of my flesh and blood deserves. No demon born in the City of Pride deserves peace, happiness or to be loved especially one born of my blood, only sorrow, pain and misery is what he deserves. That is his heritage and what his condemned soul deserves” said Lucifer as a sinister smile formed on his face.

“And I will make sure he gets what he deserves” said the supreme devil with his eyes began to glow a demonic crimson red as he formulated a plan to break the little bastard born of his flesh and blood.


Book 1 


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