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Hell Bound Chapter 11

  Lucifer shifted his to Temptation, seeing the yarning and pain in her eyes for little Lazarus, before smiling with a wicked grin, his little game wasn’t over yet. Looking at that little bastard of his, seeing the look of dread, horror, and despair in his eyes before returning his back to Temptation, seeing the pain in her eyes as looked at her son, wanting to nothing more than to rush straight to him and console and help soothe his pain. The Supreme Devil, with a wicked grin plastered on his face, spoke with a voice filled with glee, “Temptation, take him back to his room. I’m done with him”. Temptation upon hearing what her master said, simply bowed her head, internal grateful and happy that it was over and she could finally take her little one away and console him. She then went to him, looking at him and seeing that his body was completely healed but his eyes, though eyes that once shone and glowed with joy now looked deemed, flicker that looked as though it was soon be snuffe...

The Protectors of Genesis Book 2 {Hell-Bound} Chapter 2


Lucifer roamed through the empty corridors of his palace hearing the shrieks, cries and screams of misery and agony of the innocent children spawn from demonic blood from the many rooms that filled his castle’s halls as they were being tortured by one of his many monstrous attendances excruciatingly painful ways that differ from being forced to eating meals covered with razor sharp thorns that tore through their mouth and stomach as they ingested them, to having flaming thin needles pierce every corner of their bodies, needles whose tip was so finely pointed and thin that ounce they puncture the skin go deep inflicting immense pain and they would only go down deep if anyone tried to remove them.

But those were only physical forms of torture and even though Lucifer derived great joy and pleasure from hearing the screams and torments of the children as they were being tortured until they lost their minds to madness and insanity before ultimately succumbing to their sin, it wasn’t quite as enjoyable as showing them their true natures as demon spawns.

There was something about force a child to know horrifying and bitter truth of being a monster whose sole fate is to succumb to his sin and turning in to a beast like the rest of his kind and watching that truth slowly break him and turn him to the monster he was destined to become from the moment he was conceived that pleased Lucifer, seeing the look of dread and hopelessness in their eyes as they tried to deny their truth while they slow break, the sight alone was enough make a smile formed on the devil’s face.

They say he’s the father of lies but to him, the truth is much more of a lethal weapon than any lie ever told, that’s why he rarely tells a lie in fact he tells a truth a blatantly honest that can’t be denied or refuted by anyone.

The devil perceived the wise old saying ‘the truth will set you free’ was the greatest lie ever told because in reality, the truth doesn’t set you free, it only reveals the chains and shackles reality had placed upon one, chains and shackle we hide behind the many lies we tell ourselves.

Freedom, to the Supreme Devil, was nothing more than another lie told to create the illusion of control when in fact; there was no soul, born from any of the six worlds they is free, they are all born in captivity by a reality they didn’t choose and will end up dying in that same captivity, and the twisted part of it all was that none of them knew.

‘Ignorance is bliss’ that was a wise old saying that Lucifer actually agreed with, ignorance was truly a blissful thing and it truly baffled him by people sought knowledge, willing choosing to leave the comfort of the peaceful word fudged and fabricated by the many lies they believe and wonder in to unforgiving and uncaring land of truths which more often than not only led to anguish, torment and suffering, as those who gain the knowledge they sought for have struggle to come to terms with the overwhelming through of reality.

The devil continued to wonder through the empty corridors until he reached door at the very end of the hallway.

The devil just smiled sinisterly as he opened door and step inside.

The door lead to room filled to the brim by the hundreds, with children freshly brought in to his palace by his many subordinates, picked upon by the corner of the streets or ripped straight out of their homes, these children were still young, innocent and tender, they were yet to succumb to sin and undergo their transformation.

The devil upon see all the newly acquired souls couldn’t help grin, as images of the countless forms of torture and torment he could bring upon them began to form in his mind.

He could already hear it, their torment driven cries and scream of agony and misery echoing his ear like a beautiful symphony of the damned.

Lucifer then quickly brought himself out his thoughts, reminding himself of the reason he was there, to set in motion a plan so horrifically and dreadfully brilliant, it would break and completely shatter the spirit of that little bastard born with his very own blood flowing through his veins.

Lucifer then stepped in to the crowd of children.

The children, almost instinctively clear a path for the devil to pass, knowing him by reputation alone and the title he held as the Supreme Devil, feared by all, not just in the city but across Haidas as the most cruelest and heartless of demon kind, a title Lucifer earned and held with great glee and pleasure.

Suffice to say, the sight of him alone was enough to inspire a great deal of fear in the hearts of all the children a fear which was only worse and greatly increased as he made his way through them.

The Supreme Devil examined each and every single one of the, reading their thoughts, sensing the overwhelming fear they felt as he passed each and every one of them.

The devil would be lying he said he didn’t enjoy the fear he felt flow through them, seeing the hopeless and despair in their eyes, filled him with tremendous pleasure.

He enjoyed seeing them that way, right at the verge of breaking, standing at the very edge of the madding abyss of shame and sin, just wait for slight push to fall off and succumb to it all.

Lucifer wanted nothing more than to torment the poor unfortunate young souls before him, to pry in to their minds and feast on their fears and insecurities, and reminding them vile, inhumane and unholy nature they were destine to inherit as spawns of demons, watching with a twisted smile as the last ray of hope in their heart is snuffed out, giving way to the darkness, madness and despair as they succumb to their sin but the devil had to focus.

As much as he would enjoy torturing and tormenting the young and innocent souls that surrounded him, the joy he would feel when he finally that bastard born from his flesh shed a tear, crying out in agony and in pain, nothing could compare to witness such a sight, even if he torment and tortured a billions of child, that joy and pleasure he would feel hearing all though damned soul crying out in agony and misery, would still be nothing when compared to the overwhelming joy he would feel from seeing that bastard of his suffering.

But for that to happen he needed a child, but not just any child, out of all the children there, he need the one most desperate to leave that place, but finding such a child would be easier said than done.

The children there were truly void of any form hope, having being born from demons, love and kindness is a luxury very few of them know as their parents, being demons, would abuse them from the very moment they are born, treating them as tools to feel a sense of pleasure and enjoyment, doing this to them no loving parents would ever dream of doing to their children, for demon, children were just tools for pleasure and if they couldn’t find away to derive a single ounce of pleasure from them to appease their hearts which were constantly plagued with endless turmoil and misery, they would ether throw them away or end their lives, often in the most painful way imaginable.

But as long as the child provided them with some kind of relief from their agonizing and torment filled existence as demons they sheltered them and provided meals that were enough to keep them from dying of starvation.

Granted the bar for the greatest demon parents in the City of Pride wasn’t a very hide, with the most descent parents being those that didn’t out right kill and then devour their offspring whole right after birth, they still a few who tolerated their children enough to resemble some kind of parental affection, though they very few.

And for Lucifer’s plans to be successful he needed a child born from a demon who at the very least showed enough affection to it for it to willing want to return back to their demonic parents.

That was a task that is easier said than done, because out of the hundreds of children within that room, the chances of him finding a child who had felt enough love and affection from his parents to willing were next to none.

Demon were truly monsters, incapable of truly loving and caring for anyone, even their own, any child they had was born solely to fulfill their desires and fantasies, serving only a means of relieving them of the constant agony they feel each and every waking moment and when they couldn’t perform than task they were either dumped away or slaughtered by the demons that birth them in to the hell world known as Haidas.

It was because of that very reason no child wanted to return, it didn’t matter whether they were in homes of their parents or in house of a million wailing souls, home of Lucifer himself, it didn’t matter to them as most of them had already come to the painful and bitter realization that their very own parents never loved them and they were merely tools to ease their pain, agony and misery, and once the time comes when they can no longer ease their parent’s pain, they will either be thrown out or killed by them.

This was why, despite their overwhelming fear for the supreme devil, they had no intention of leaving because they knew even if they did so they didn’t really have anywhere to go, knowing that even if they went back to their parents they were fated to either die by their hands or thrown out in to the foul and unforgiving streets of City of Pride.

Lucifer just sighed deeply as he continued walking through the crowd of fear consumed children, searching the heart of each and every one of them, looking for one genuinely wanted to leave that place and return back to his home, a task that was the equivalent of looking for a small pin buried in a single stack of hay in a barn filled hundreds of hay stacks.

It was next to impossible but the devil was determined to find such a child no matter what with the image of seeing his little bastard wailing and crying out in misery and sorrow burned in to his mind, driving and pushing him o continue with his plan and finding the child he needed.

Then finally, after what like a life time of searching, the Supreme Devil finally found the child he sought for

The devil then made his way a young boy seated on the floor and his back leaned against the wall sobbing with tears flowing down from his eyes like never ending stream.

The devil then placed his hands on the child’s shoulder, prying his way in the boy’s heart, sensing his overwhelming fear and desire to return back home to his mother who he believes loves him with all her heart.

“Hello Judas”, the devil spoke with his demonic voice from with the child’s mind, greatly shocking the young boy as he heard the devil utter his name and filling with fear as he raised his head to see none other than the Supreme Devil.

“I know you want to go back home to your mother. I can make that happen but you’ll have to do something for me in return”, the devil spoke before extending his hand to the boy.

“Do we have a deal then” the devil used his mouth to speak with a sinister grin forming on his face.



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