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Hell Bound Chapter 11

  Lucifer shifted his to Temptation, seeing the yarning and pain in her eyes for little Lazarus, before smiling with a wicked grin, his little game wasn’t over yet. Looking at that little bastard of his, seeing the look of dread, horror, and despair in his eyes before returning his back to Temptation, seeing the pain in her eyes as looked at her son, wanting to nothing more than to rush straight to him and console and help soothe his pain. The Supreme Devil, with a wicked grin plastered on his face, spoke with a voice filled with glee, “Temptation, take him back to his room. I’m done with him”. Temptation upon hearing what her master said, simply bowed her head, internal grateful and happy that it was over and she could finally take her little one away and console him. She then went to him, looking at him and seeing that his body was completely healed but his eyes, though eyes that once shone and glowed with joy now looked deemed, flicker that looked as though it was soon be snuffe...

Life my greatest Bane

Oh, my life,
How I despise and dread thee, 
Every single moment you chain and imprison, 
In this sad and miserable existence, 
Drowning in an ocean of sorrow, 
And falling deeper into my pit of despair, 

I'm tired, 
Tired of dreading every day,
I have to open my tired eyes, 
Seeing a new day but being greeted by the same old pain, 
Shame, anger, sadness and frustration, 
My constants and the only things I feel each and everyday, 

I feel like I'm living a nightmare, 
One where I can't wake up from, 
Stuck on repeat, 
Forced to live a life that only brings me pain, 

I can't breath, 
I feel like two hands are on my throat, 
Squeezing and crushing my wind pipe, 
Allowing just enough air to pass through for me to stay alive
But denying me of enough to make me feel like I'm suffocating to death, 
But death sadly, 
Never comes, 

I'm tired of my miserable existence, 
I need a way out, 
I willing to do anything to numb the pain, 

I'm tired of the pain, misery and sorrow, 
I just want to, 
Even if it's for a fleeing moment, 
Feel true and genuine joy, 
I'm tired of wearing a fake smile and laughing like nothing's wrong, 
I just want to enjoy my life, 

I don't want to die, 
But with each passing day, 
With the misery and sorrow I'm forced to live with, 
It's getting harder and hard to live, 
I know I'll die one day, 
I just hope it isn't by my very own hands. 


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