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Hell Bound Chapter 11

  Lucifer shifted his to Temptation, seeing the yarning and pain in her eyes for little Lazarus, before smiling with a wicked grin, his little game wasn’t over yet. Looking at that little bastard of his, seeing the look of dread, horror, and despair in his eyes before returning his back to Temptation, seeing the pain in her eyes as looked at her son, wanting to nothing more than to rush straight to him and console and help soothe his pain. The Supreme Devil, with a wicked grin plastered on his face, spoke with a voice filled with glee, “Temptation, take him back to his room. I’m done with him”. Temptation upon hearing what her master said, simply bowed her head, internal grateful and happy that it was over and she could finally take her little one away and console him. She then went to him, looking at him and seeing that his body was completely healed but his eyes, though eyes that once shone and glowed with joy now looked deemed, flicker that looked as though it was soon be snuffe...

The Protectors of Genesis chapter 12

Chapter 12

Spedori managed to make it out of the cave in one piece, narrowly avoid the rocks as they fell and managing out of the cave before its entrance was sealed up as it completely collapsed.

Spedori then looked at the cave with tears falling down from his eyes as he thought about his brother and how there was no way he could have survive the cave collapsing.

Tears then began to flow down from Spedori's eyes as began to think about how useless he was, replaying the moment when Fastilo pushed him out of the way to save his life from the massive rock that was about to crush him which led to it crushing his legs instead, crippling him and sealing his fate in the cave collapsing cave.

Spedori then began to think about what would have happened if he had just been a little bit fast and moved out of the way before Fastilo saved him, if he had just done that Fastilo's would have not been crushed by the very rock he save him from and the both of them might have made it out of the cave together.

Spedori blamed himself for being too slow and having to rely on his brother to save which lead to him being crushed by the rock instead of him.

Spedori then looked at the small red stone his brother had given to him before he left, reminding him of the final words he brother told him about how no matter what happens he would never be alone.

Upon remembering those words Spedori made a vow to himself to honor his brother's last wishes and protect the red stone with everything he had, still oblivious that the stone in his hands was just one out of six keys to the doom and destruction of all six worlds.

Spedori was no entirely sure of what to do now, he instructed by his mother to stay put with his brother in the cave until she came back with their father but now the cave was destroyed and Fastilo... Spedori couldn't even bring himself to admit painful truth of his brother demise to himself.

Spedori just stood in front the cave, seemly froze unsure of what to do until felt something, the force and power produce by something racing through the forest, moving at speeds the young Kinerik could never hope comprehend, it was the same being who's raw speed was enough to tear the forest apart and cause the cave Spedori and Fastilo hind in to collapse.

Spedori, upon sensing the power racing through the forest, knew he didn't have much time before it made its way to him, understanding that he mostly wouldn't survive level carnage and destruction it would wreak as it raced passed, decided to run as fast as his leg were able but even at his top speed he was outclassed by the horrific level of speed the being possessed as it raced passed him, moving faster than it Spedori to blink, bring behind him an overwhelming force fueled by the beings raw speed and power that pulled apart and destroyed everything around him.

The force generate by the being as it ran was enough to pull Spedori of the ground and send him flying in a cloud of dust and debris pulled out from the forest by the beings overwhelming power.

Spedori struggled to keep him in one piece as he felt the force trying to tear his body apart and to end his struggle he also had to dodge the flying debris that surround him, only barely able to dodge using his speed most of them and having suffering a few injuries from those he failed to dodge in time.

And just as it seemed like things couldn't get any worse the mysterious fast moving being seemed to have increased its speeds, as it appeared once a again seemly moments after racing passed Spedori before racing again once more, greatly increasing the force and power behind him as he ran, increasing the force dragging Spedori about and sending even more debris flying his way.

The being moved all around Kinerik at unfathomable speeds, sending Spedori flying a thick dust cloud formed by the scattered pieces debris ripped out of the Kinerik soil as the being ran.

Soon the being stopped running, sending all the debris pulled away by the sheer speed of the being including Spedori were sent crashing down hard straight in to the ground.

Spedori, immensely with blood sipping out of his mouth and the many cuts and bruises inflicted upon him by the dust cloud debris created by the being as he ran passed, managed to muster what little strength he had left to raise his head and see the being that was capable of wreaking so much havoc all over the Kinerik with only the raw power of their speed.

Spedori's widened with a strange mix of shock, happiness and relief upon seeing that the mysterious being was none other than his father, Aselero hold a strange looking woman who was covered in blood and severely wounded.

Spedori heard his father yell out of frustration, saying something about what it would take to kill the woman.

Spedori did not fully understand what was going on and at the point he did not really care, all he felt at that moment was relief that his father was still alive but just as he managed to find the strength to ignore the immense pain his body was currently in and get back on his own two feet, he watching his father race off and leap to the sky, moving like a bullet and striking the world fliers in the sky above.

Spedori watched from afar as the sky lit up in a fiery red glow as the world flier exploded and upon seeing it Spedori raced off, running towards the spot where the broken pieces of the world flier had fallen as it exploded, hoping and praying with everything he had that his father was alright and had somehow managed to survive the collision.

Spedori sighed out in relief upon spotting his father, although badly injured with blood dripping down his body from the injuries he had sustained, mostly due to the impact of the collision.

Spedori also saw that the woman his father held on to, despite facing the brunt of the attack and sustaining way more gruesome injuries than his father she was still alive much to Aselero's annoyance just leaped back to the sky at high speeds, repeating the same act as before in colliding with a nearby world flier, making sure the woman, just like before, felt the full impact of the collision.

Spedori watched with a look of disbelief and slight fear as his father repeated the cycle of collision with other world fliers, over and over again, and even though he wanted to stop him out of fear that his father may end up ending his own life in the process Spedori could not move fast enough to get his attention as Aselero would have already taken to the sky before Spedori could reach him.

The collisions continued with Spedori having to chase after his father as he kept leaping off in the sky, colliding with a world flier resulting in a massive explosion that sent hundreds of massive flame engulfed pieces of the world fliers to rain down from the sky but lucky Spedori's speed was enough to dodge them, albeit narrowly, but as the collisions continued Spedori slowly began to lose the strength and stamina to keep up resulting in him growing slower and slower until he wasn't fast enough to dodge them anymore, narrowing escaping the falling fiery piece of metal from the world flier rain down by leaping out of the way and crashing down hard on the ground.

Spedori, now lying to the floor, unable to find the strength to get and immense hurt slowly began to close his eyes as he wondered if this was truly his end, wondering if he was truly fated to die there, lying on the ground, alone, surrounded by the burning chucks of the world fliers the invaded used to ravage his world.

Spedori felt his vision begin to slowly get blurry, his vision turning into a haze until all he could see was complete and utter darkness.

Was this truly how he story going end?

Luckily for him his fate was not fall there as the rumbling and quaking of the ground moments after Spedori closed his eyes was enough to wake him only to witness with pure fear and horror, a massive wave of power sweeping through the land, engulfing and destroying any and everything in its path.

Spedori upon seeing the wave making it way towards him summoned all the little strength had left to get up and run as fast as he could.

Spedori ran as fast as his feet would allow, ignoring the aching pain that coming from his body and simply ran with everything he had but no matter how hard he pushed himself he could not seem to outrun the fast approaching wave of part as it slowly made its way him.

Spedori for a brief moment thought that this was truly where he would meet his end as he could not seem move fast enough to out run the massive wave of power but then a reckless and seemly insane idea formed in his head.

Reaching his hand to the limiter on his neck, contemplated on if he was really considering taking it off, knowing the risk such an act would entail.

Spedori looked at the red stone which he still held firmly on his hand, remembering his brother and how he sacrificed himself just so he could survive.

Spedori just sighed, not wanting his brother's sacrifice to be in vain before he declared within himself that if he was truly fated to die he would do so only after giving it his all to live.

Spedori then, without an ounce of hesitation ripped out his limiter and threw it way to be engulfed by the massive wave of power chasing after him.

Spedori then felt his speed begin to grow with each step he took, moving after than he had ever before, reaching speeds he thought were only possible in dreams and with his speed now unhinged and limited by a limiter he managed to out run the wave of power.

But that troubles upon out running the wave of power were anything but over as the wave of power had triggered something deep within the crust of Kinerik, it had triggered the end of the world of speed.

Suddenly the ground underneath Spedori's feet began to crack with massive plums of molten lava erupting from the ground, thunder clouds which spark with red lightning and echoed with thunder loud enough to shake the Kinerikan earth.

Spedori stopped for a moment to see the living nightmare his world had now become with the only words he was able to think to even begin to describe the nightmarish state his world was in being the hell of hells.

Spedori snapped back in to reality upon feeling the ground underneath his feet begin to hit before quickly moving out of the way, narrowly dodging as red hot molten lava erupted out from the ground underneath his feet.

Spedori then looked around, knowing that if he wished to survive he had to find somewhere safe to hide but upon looking around he realized that there wasn't single corn in Kinerik that was safe as everywhere he turned to look could only see a land revenged with carnage and destruction, there was nowhere he could run to or maybe they was.

Spedori then looked up the sky and wondered, remembering what he brother has said when they were hiding the cave, sky running.

But it was risky especially when considering the fact that no matter had succeeded in pulling it off in eons, most didn't even believe it could be done and those that did attempt it often end up dead or severely wounded.

Spedori then looked around, figuring he didn't really have anything to lose, he home was as good as gone at this point and seeing the hellish state his world was reduced to he doubted any of his family survived, as far as he knew he was the last living Kinerikan, the last of his kind.

Spedori heart sank upon having to face the reality that he was all alone standing on a dying world without his family.

Spedori couldn't help but shed a tear, wondering how and why things had gone so wrong so fast, as not too long ago he was living peaceful with his family with his only worry being him wanting to impress his father with his speed now he was watching his entire world slowly tear itself apart.

Spedori then looked at the red stone on his hand before saying deeply, knowing he didn't have much of a choice at that moment, Kinerik was doom and his family, as far as he knew, were gone, his best and currently only hope of surviving was to leave Kinerik.

And so with a heavy heart Spedori went down on knee with his two hands on the ground like a foot racing eagerly waiting for the signal to run before taking a deep breath and then zooming off, racing with everything he had and as he did so ground that surrounded him began to exploded signaling the Kinerik's final moments were upon her.

Spedori, ignoring the echoes caused by the explosion and continued to run with each step he took a memory of life in Kinerik and his family formed in his mind, remind him of the life he was leaving behind to burn away and be destroyed along with his dying world. The memories that began to form in his mind made each and every step Spedori made harder than the last but still he keep running as fast as his legs could carry and as he did he could feel he body begin to fill Up with the excess power his body generating as he ran.

Spedori could feel that with each step he took his power continued to grow and he knew if it continued the power would soon overwhelm him but still he continued to run, knowing he need to generate as much power as possible if he were to successful sky run.

And so Spedori ran with all his might, generating more and power with each step he took until there was nowhere else to run.

Spedori then stopped seeing at everything expect the spot he was standing in was cover in a dense inferno of explosion before placing his hand on the ground underneath his feet, feeling it rumbling he sense that the spot he was standing it would soon be reduced to the same state as the others.

Spedori knew he needed to act fast as he didn't have much time before the ground underneath his feet erupted in a devastating explosion.

So he began to prepare himself, channeling all power he had generated while running into his feet and then waiting for the perfect moment.

The ground then began to crack with lava sipping out through of the cracks but still Spedori continued to wait, knowing he only had one chance and if he were to fail he would perish alone with Kinerik.

Lava began to surround Spedori but he just ignored the heat it produced and kept waiting.

Spedori then opened his eyes, seeing that it was now the right time, he leaped off, releasing all the pent-up power in his legs, propelling him and sending him flying into the sky and moments later, the ground in which he stood on before leaping and taking off into the sky exploded.

Spedori felt his body continue to soar into the sky at immense speeds, moving so fast that mere moments after his feet had detached itself from the ground he found himself in the vast empty star-littered space that existed out the boundaries of all six worlds.

Spedori couldn't believe he had actually managed to pull it off, sky ran, something no Kinerik could do successfully in eons.

Spedori would have felt thrilled and immensely pleased with his accomplishment if it wasn't he achieved in the grimmest of circumstances.

Spedori, as his body continued to soar through the empty space, turned to see his home world now lit up by millions of explosions on its surface before shedding tears, knowing he was watching the every end of his world something then caught Spedori's eye, a shadow that greatly resembled a bird of some kind but he couldn't quite make out what he was as he was too far and moving too fast to seeing what it was.

Kinerik then exploded with a loud bang sending Spedori flying further away due force of the explosion.

Spedori flew aimlessly through the vast empty space before finally reaching a nearby world and crashing down into it, falling from the world's sky and straight into the hard ruff sands from the desert below.

Spedori then looked at the starry night sky of the world he had fallen into before chuckling lightly while also wince in immense pain.

"I did Fastilo, I didn't think I was possible but... I did it" were the last word Spedori mumbled to himself before closing his eyes.

Then a flash of light appeared in the sky before a being descended down from the light and unto the conscious Spedori down below.

The being body constantly switched forms, from a demonic form with fiery read skin, a of black demonic wings, a pair of horns on it and a red tail, to that of a man with simple and no distinct or notable features, and from that it took a more angelic form with fair skin, a halo on its head and a pair of white angelic wings.

This being was none other than Yaseki, creator of six worlds, who was now looking down on the you kinerikan lying on the on the desert sand, intrigued by him. 


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