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Hell Bound Chapter 11

  Lucifer shifted his to Temptation, seeing the yarning and pain in her eyes for little Lazarus, before smiling with a wicked grin, his little game wasn’t over yet. Looking at that little bastard of his, seeing the look of dread, horror, and despair in his eyes before returning his back to Temptation, seeing the pain in her eyes as looked at her son, wanting to nothing more than to rush straight to him and console and help soothe his pain. The Supreme Devil, with a wicked grin plastered on his face, spoke with a voice filled with glee, “Temptation, take him back to his room. I’m done with him”. Temptation upon hearing what her master said, simply bowed her head, internal grateful and happy that it was over and she could finally take her little one away and console him. She then went to him, looking at him and seeing that his body was completely healed but his eyes, though eyes that once shone and glowed with joy now looked deemed, flicker that looked as though it was soon be snuffe...

Death, My greatest and most unlikely friend

Dear death,
Some may hate and detest,
Run and flee as you draw ever so close,
Pray and beg to heavens above,
To avoid your cold embrace,
I on the other know the truth,
You are not a being worth hating or detesting,
For you can neither hate, 
Nor hate do you detest,
You do what you do,
Not because you enjoy it,
Or find pleasure in a ending a life,
You do it seemly because,
It is who you are,
All you know,
And all you can do,

You do work indiscriminately,
And refuse to look at the faces of your victims,
You don’t see their tears, 
Or the tears of their loved ones,
You don’t see the silver and gold in their pocket,
Neither do you see the power they wield,
You come for them all,
The rich,
The poor,
Young and old,
Man or beast,
There is nothing that breaths which you respect,
Whether they walk upright on two legs,Or crawl on all fours,
Eat flesh or greens,
To you,
A life is a life,
And you must do your duty,
And end it when the time is right,
It doesn’t matter to you when the right time comes,
Whether is comes after eons,
Or the very second a soul takes it first breath,

And the method of which you use to carry out your work,
Will never be known by any soul,
As your tools can be anything,
Be it the air, 
Fire or even another soul,
Any and everything can be a tool for you to do your work,

And because of the painful and horrific truth,
That you can come for anyone,
At any time,
Using any tool,
Man can't  help but fear you,
As you are not a thing that can be control,
Or bought,
You are a force of nature,
One with no heart or soul,
One who does his work and nothing else,

But a strange truth mankind fails to see,
Is that you are not a monster,
If anything you’re a friend,
For you remind us of how precious our lives are,
By ending them indiscriminately,
Allowing us to see,
That no matter how old or young we are,
Rich or poor,
We are all subject to you,
And when the time for us to breathe our last,
You’ll be there,
And because we know not when this time will come,
Or which tool you will choose to bring our end,
We cannot prepare for you and how you’ll come,
But we can rather cherish the time we have now,
Respect and honor the life we have,
Before you eventually come and take it from us,
Without you life would be meaningless,
For you are the very end of life itself,
And without an end,
Life can never truly be truly worth living,

So when you eventually do come for me dear friend,
I will not spit in your face or curse you name,
Neither will I laugh at your face,
I will simply do all I can do,
Accept me fate,
And when you embrace me with your ice cold hands,
I shall embrace you as well,
And if I should have any regrets when you come,
They will not be because of your coming,
They would be because I couldn’t,
For whatever reason,
Live a life worth living,
And that would be my shame to bare,
A shame I shall not give away to you,
During my final hours.


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